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What problems should be paid attention to when using aluminum alloy formwork?

Views:935 Author:Site Editor Publish Time:2020-07-10 15:48:12 Orgin:Site

Aluminum alloy formwork pouring concrete has good observation and high quality. The formwork is made of aluminum alloy data technology, and the appearance is smooth and lubricated, which determines that the appearance of aluminum alloy formwork pouring concrete is very smooth and good in appearance. In addition, every piece of aluminum alloy formwork in the factory is processed by instruments.

     The flatness and quality of the joints are guaranteed, and the pin holes are used to connect the pieces, so that the pins can be connected seamlessly after the pins are fixed, and the concrete will not leak out due to the joints being too large, forming a concrete honeycomb pitted surface. From these two aspects, the aluminum Observation and quality of concrete poured by alloy formwork technology.

     Since the traditional glulam formwork is processed from wood, it is difficult to guarantee its smooth appearance after many turnovers. In addition, when using wooden formwork, it is handmade according to the drawings, and then spliced with each formwork between the nails. Since the technical pros and cons of each worker are intertwined, the size of each formwork manufacturing and equipment cannot be controlled very standardly, so the entire concrete poured with wooden formwork has no advantages in terms of observation and quality assurance. Concrete poured with aluminum alloy formwork technology The advantages.

     Steel formwork is also made of metal, but due to the physical properties of steel, the appearance of poured concrete is not as stable as aluminum alloy formwork, so in this respect, its pouring effect is better than wood formwork technology, but compared with aluminum alloy formwork pouring concrete , there is still a certain gap.
